Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Possible perils

Anyway, like any human experimentation, there are things that could go wrong.

If I don't get the dosage of 3,4-dehyroretinol correct, I could suffer from hypervitaminosis. I've looked at this condition... Not appealing, in the least.

Also, the chemical company that is providing it, may not provide it in a form safe for human consumption. I'll be sure to thoroughly check this before doing anything.

Anyway, going to consult a Dietician before proceeding into the experiment. Right now things are just in the planned phase.

Also, disclaimer: Because of possible dangers, I'm withholding where I am buying this chemical. Anyone with half a brain could probably figure it out. However, I am not responsible for the actions of anyone undertaking anything detailed in this blog. If you want to seriously fuck yourself up go right ahead, but don't blame me when your skin starts peeling off. That's your fault for being a fucking idiot.

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